Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Weblogic Server

Weblogic Server was formerly called as T3 Server (Three tier server that follows MVC architecture).

                              Figure 1: Weblogic Server (Application/J2EE server) architecture

Components that are involved in understanding weblogic server:
  • Node Manager
  • Weblogic scripting tool
  • Domains
  • Administration Server
  • Managed Servers
  • Deployments
  • Applications
  • Data sources
  • Security realms
  • Configuration files
  • Logs
 The following figure shows how can different machines communicate with each other with the help of node manager controll over the domains.

Figure 2: Components for Weblogic

Once the weblogic server is installed, there are three home directories that gets created.

Middleware Home (MW_HOME)
Java Home  (JAVA_HOME)
Weblogic Home (WL_HOME)

After configuring the weblogic for new domain creation, there is a domain directory that gets created referred in most of the documentations as DOMAIN_DIR (by default located in MW_HOME/user_projects/domains/<domain_name>

The Administration server can be started using the wlst script that connects Admin server to Node manager.

After running the wlst script on your machine:
nmConnect('<weblogic_user_name>','<weblogic_user_password>','<Hostname>','<Node_Manager_Port>','<domain nam>')

Weblogic Username : weblogic (by default and is case sensitive)
Password: welcome1 (by default)
HostName: <Try running "hostname" in the command prompt>
Node Manager port: 5556(By default)
Domain Name: base_domain (By default) <located in MW_HOME/user_projects/domains>

Repository Creation Utility

Before running this utility, the following commands need to be run in database:

1. Login to the sqlplus as "system" user.
2. conn sys as sysdba
3. alter system set processes=800 scope=spfile;
4. alter system set open_cursors=800 scope=spfile;
5. shutdown immediate
6. startup
7. show parameter processes;
Value for processes should be 800
8. show parameter open_cursors;
Value for open_cursors should be 800

Run this utility for creating schemas related to Fusion Middle-ware.

By the end of the step, the component schemas related to Fusion Middleware will be created in the database installed in the previous step.

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Identity and Access Management Special Edition

Oracle Fusion Middleware:

Our aim is to implement IAM solution for a multi dimensional firm. The solution offers enhanced security and SOX compliance to the business applications for the JML (Joiner Mover Leaver) activities in an organization.

The products that are installed for such implementation are:

  • Oracle Database
  • Repository Creation Utility
  • Oracle Web-logic Server
  • Java Development Kit
  • Oracle Access Manager
  • Oracle Identity Manager
  • Service Oriented Architecture
  • Oracle Internet Directory
  • Oracle Virtual Directory
  • Oracle Identity Analytics
  • Oracle BI Publisher
  • Oracle HTTP Server
  • Oracle Directory Services Manager
Oracle Database: As a precautionary step, remember to note the values of :
  1. Host-name
  2. Port number
  3. Service Name
  4. Connection String: Host-name:Port number:Service Name
  5. Database user with sysdba role: SYS
  6. Password: <Given> during installation
A repository for storing or creating different fusion middle-ware schema services is created by end of this step.